5 – Extreme Crafting with Mrs. Hudson: Cosplay

Audio Player

Consulting Fans Dixie and Qui talk about 221B Con and cosplay. Dixie talks about how she made her giant glowing Bluebell costume (and all the drama that accompanied it) and Qui talks about how she attempted to make a stuffed bunny glow. Listen here or download.

This segment was first release on May 1st, 2013 in Episode 5: I’ll Be Mother (Not the Mother’s Day Episode) at 1:20:32 time stamp. It has been remastered for audibility.

Music Credit
Unless otherwise indicated, music is available for purchase through online retailers such as amazon.com and iTunes.

  • Extreme Crafting with Mrs. Hudson – Swing Out Sister, Get In Touch With Yourself: Am I the Same Girl – Inspector Gadget Theme

Production Credits
Banner Art: Fox Estacado
Distribution funded by fans!


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How to Cite
Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2013, May 1). Extreme Crafting with Mrs. Hudson: Cosplay. Three Patch Podcast Episode 5: I’ll Be Mother (Not the Mother’s Day Episode).  Podcast segment retrieved from https://www.three-patch.com/casefiles//5-extreme-crafting/