221B Con is unfortunately canceled this year, but Three Patch is taking #TPPSuite2020 virtual this “con” weekend and hope to see you all there for some fun programming! We could all use a little community right now.
Here’s what you need to know:
- some of our events will be on Discord. Haven’t joined yet? Here’s an invite link. It’s set to not expire, but if you have any trouble with it, let us know and we’ll troubleshoot with you.
- some of our events will be on Zoom! But to avoid Zoombombings (where random people crash meetings where the links are made public), we are sending out the links by email through Eventbrite. Yes, that means you’ll need to “register” by email, but only to receive the link. We will NOT use your email for any other purpose and will not share it with anyone else. We also ask that you NOT share the Zoom link publicly once you receive it.
- but where’s the programming? Right here! As well as in the Eventbrite listing. Meetups, watchalongs, some panels, a party! We’re trying for some fun gatherings that we would’ve held in our usual TPP spaces and panel at con.
Also, we’re not the only ones with con-solation programming this weekend! The @221bconwriters suite will also have a virtual writers suite, so check their social media for more. And @221b-consolation is also active again this weekend, so check their tumblr for more information about that fic fest and how to participate!
And if you have your own events to promote, please tag us and let us know so we can spread the word! Stay safe, everyone, and let’s show up as a community this “con” weekend.