In observation of Juneteenth, staff members of Three Patch Podcast have made a donation of $660 to the Homeless Black Trans Women Fund. This fund was started for a small community of Black Trans women living on the streets of Atlanta, many of whom are also sex workers. A larger mission of this project is to establish a network of Trans-led and Trans-owned sustainable housing for Black Trans women, prioritizing those who are homeless, sex workers, or living with HIV. If you’d like to join us, you can donate here:

Black Lives Matter. The voices of BIPoC matter.
For our fandom community, here are some additional suggestions for learning about and advocating against systemic racism in fandom spaces:
- read and consider signing Samantha Close’s open letter to the AO3 board urging them to concrete action to confront the platform’s shortcomings
- read the documentation of anti-black racism in transformative fandom by Stitch
- read Rukmini Pande’s book Squee from the Margins, and consider how anti-racism can be part of our creative work in this part of our lives