Does lockdown have you climbing the walls? Chat the stress away with Rupert Graves!
That’s right, we’re hosting a charity fundraiser Q&A with the one and only Detective Lestrade to benefit The Trevor Project next SUNDAY, February 21, 2021 (yes, 2/21 🙂 at 1:30 p.m. EST / 10:30 a.m. PST / 6:30 p.m. GMT.
To participate:
(1) DONATE to The Trevor Project “in honor of Rupert Graves” and email us a screenshot of your donation to threepatch@gmail.com
(2) RSVP for the event at rupertgraves.eventbrite.com
(3) SUBMIT QUESTIONS to this Google Form!
Please note:
- Due to time constraints, we cannot guarantee that Rupert can get to your question. By speaking during the Zoom call, you consent to have your voice included in a future episode of the Three Patch Podcast.
- We understand that not everyone is in a position to make donations. You can still attend the event, and submit and ask your question. However, if it’s within your means, we ask you to make a donation as a sign of respect for Rupert’s time and effort.
Did you publish video from this Q&A? Where I can find it?