We’ve got a weekend of fun activities planned, including:
- A virtual con suite on Gather Town: make an avatar and wander through indoor and outdoor virtual spaces, meet up with friends, play games, and more!
- Speed Geeking on Glimpse! Like speed dating, but for meeting fandom friends
- Watchalongs of The Irregulars and the ever popular Asylum Sherlock Holmes (aka Sherlock and Dinosaurs)
- Porny bedtime stories
- Cards Against Humanity led by Berlynn Wohl
- Meetups for BL, crafting, Sherlock-themed yoga, and more
- TPP’s official con panel: Every Fandom is a Self-Portrait (Saturday at 1:00)
- And of course, the traditional Stragglers’ Party on Sunday night!
Full #TPPsuite2021 schedule is HERE. Join our Discord for links to all events. See you there!
Register for links to Virtual 221B Con HERE | 221B Con Schedule HERE