We can finally announce we are publishing a book with anticipated release date of April 2025! But we need YOUR SUPPORT to make this ambitious project happen! Check out our Indiegogo page for project details and ways you can support us! Get cool limited time perks, such as having your name included in the book!
The Art & Stories of Three Patch Podcast (working title) is a full-color illustrated and designed 8.5 x 11 inch (27.94 cm x 21.59 cm) book for BBC Sherlock fans and people who love fandom culture.
The book will feature approximately 150 pages of favorite fandom and podcast moments, beautifully re-interpreted in book format. These podcast highlights and memories are accompanied by hundreds of original digital illustrations (not AI) from Fox Estacado, who has been making original and distinctive art for Three Patch Podcast since 2013. Each reference to the podcast is also accompanied by a QR code to the full episode, so you can revisit the content in its entirety.

For more images and details about the book, check out our Indiegogo page!