Daily archives: 2017-05-04

Panelists discuss drugs and poisons in ACD’s time, in the Sherlock Holmes canon, and in subsequent adaptations. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Smirk, Monica Schmidt, Christopher Zordan Producer: Finnagain, Editor: Caroline The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, by Nicholas Meyer Chasing Heroin (Frontline NBC on opiates) and accompanying article DEA schedule […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: Drugs and Poisons

Plot what plot? Fans discuss the PWP form of fanfic and its importance in our fandom lives. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Berlynn Wohl, Urban Hymnal, Michi-the-Killer, Cookie Producer/Editor: Vex Slam poetry on fanfic and porn TPP Fandom and Sexuality survey [1][2] The NEW Sherlock Kinkmeme “The Handmaiden” […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: PWPs

Live from 221B Con 2017, panelists discuss the characters of BBC Sherlock, identification with them, and how that affects their relationship with fandom. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Finnagain, Smirk, B, AlexxPhoenix42, Caroline, and Chelsea Producer/Editor: Drinkingcocoa John never makes tea meta post This segment was first released […]

63 – TPP Live: Identifying with Characters

Panelists discuss Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: why do we love them so? Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Berlynn Wohl, Chelsea, Boomsherlocka Producer/ Editor: Finnagain Berlynn Wohl’s 73 Johnlock fics Live from Sherlock Seattle: Transposing Sherlock to Different Cultures Will Ferrell’s 2018 “Holmes and Watson“ This segment was […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: The Detective and His Blogger

Smirk walks (or stumbles) us through a drunken retelling of ACD’s The Dying Detective. Listen here or download. Shownotes:   Consulting Fans: Chelsea, SundayDuck, Smirk Producer: Chelsea, Finn, Editor: Chelsea, Finn The Dying Detective Soundtrack music from I am Robot and Proud’s A Proposal to Tune the World to F (Brave […]

62 – Drunk Canon: The Dying Detective