All of Hooper's lab reports pertaining to Science (Scienceofobsession)

Consulting Fans: Science, Emma, Roane, and DrinkingCocoa. Listen here or download. Scandalized, by 221Beemine Author’s Notes This segment was first release on October 1, 2014 in Episode 28: Kinktober. It has been remastered for audibility. Music Credit Unless otherwise indicated, music is available for purchase through online retailers such as and iTunes. Cake, Fashion […]

28 – A Study in Fanfic: Scandalized, by 221beemine

Consulting Fans: Caroline, Fox, Shannon, B, Science. Listen here or download. Omegaverse entry at Fanlore wiki Alphas, Betas, Omegas: A Primer, by norabombay Fics discussed Phrygian Choices series, by Fresne Dustfall, by AmandaDBone Seven Moons, by Ladyflowdi Tremble, by Songlin The Pretence of an Unacknowledged Truth, by stickleworting Devil’s Bread, […]

28 – Omegaverse Roundtable

Consulting Fans: Emma, Shannon, Rachael, Caroline, and ScienceofObsession. Listen here or download. Warning: This segment contains a brief discussion of child sexual abuse. Comorbidity, by Merripestin This segment was first release on August 31, 2014 in Episode 27: Sexpisode 2 (Come Again). It has been remastered for audibility. Music Credit Unless otherwise indicated, music […]

27 – Fandom and Sexuality

Consulting Fans: Shannon, Science, Maz (Mazarin221B), Chel (Makokitten), Liz (Professorfangirl). Listen here or download. Skulls and Tea at 221b’s Steven Moffat Quotes Tag Skulls and Tea at 221b’s Mark Gatiss Quotes Tag Steven Moffat on writing the best man speech Steven Moffat’s advice to writers Mark Gatiss loves red herrings:  Moriarty and Mycroft handshake Listeners such as welovethebeekeeper and april…im […]

25 – The Media, the Fourth Wall and the Fandom

Consulting Fans: Science, Drinkingcocoa, Caroline, and Emma. Listen here or download. Fic: Luminosity by what_alchemy LJ Discussion Post This segment was first release on June 1, 2014 in Episode 24: Looking for Baby Names. It has been remastered for audibility. Music Credit Unless otherwise indicated, music is available for purchase through online retailers such as […]

24 – A Study in Fanfic: Luminosity, by what_alchemy

Consulting fans: Emma Grant, mazarin221b, Decadentwallpaper, Scienceofobsession, and Cellardoorpodfic. Listen here or download. Fic discussed: Consolation by *Mildredandbobbin Discussion post on LJ This segment was first release on December 1st, 2013 in Episode 12: Imagine the Christmas Dinners.  It has been remastered for audibility. Music Credit Unless otherwise indicated, music is available for […]

12 – A Study in Fanfic: Consolation by Mildredandbobbin