Episode 113: Gays in Spaaaace!

Episode 113: Gays in Spaaaace!

In which we celebrate fandom’s love for science fiction, sex in space, animated series, and the glorious absurdity of Asylum Sherlock Holmes.

Episode 112: (Un)Dead of Winter

In which we celebrate our 8th(!!) birthday alongside Sherlock Holmes’ of course, pay homage to Arthur Conan Doyle’s love of all things spoopy, talk about and talk up Major Character Death as a genre, dive deep into Enola Holmes as a mystery story, and formally, finally, explore the Untamed as a Fandom of Interest.

Episode 110A: Transcultural Fandom Roundtable – Extended Cut

Candace Epps-Robertson, Bertha Chin, Lori Morimoto join finnagain to discuss transcultural fandoms and their joys and challenges from both personal and scholarly perspectives. This extended cut includes the comparison of transnational vs transcultural perspectives, transcultural challenges in fan studies, and appreciating geopolitical history through fandom.