Chat with Davey Nellist!

Mr. Davey Nellist (who played Mike Stamford in BBC’s Sherlock) has kindly offered to join in on a video chat with Sherlock fans THIS Saturday, April 11th at 8 p.m. London / 12 p.m. PDT / 3 p.m. EDT!

#TPPSuite2020 is live! Join us April 3-5

221B Con is unfortunately canceled this year, but Three Patch is taking #TPPSuite2020 virtual this “con” weekend and hope to see you all there for some fun programming! We could all use a little community right now. Here’s what you need to know: some of our events will be on […]

TPP Fundraiser: A 2020 “Con” Exclusive! Available 4/2-4/6 only

Want a memento of this year’s virtual con?  How about a Sherlock-themed face mask? It won’t protect you from coronavirus, but it can help you avoid spreading germs or touching your face. Choose from Coat, Wallpaper, or Molly models. Please specify whether you prefer fabric ties or elastics that go over the ears. […]