Episode 101: Big, Squishy Cuddles

Episode 101: Big, Squishy Cuddles

In which we celebrate fluffy fanworks and the softer aspects of canon. We’ll explore curtain fic with Emma, discover the magic of mincemeat pies with Cumbercookie, and explore Sherlockian ASMR with our favorite domestic fics!

Episode 100: Class of 221B

Episode 100: Class of 221B

In which we look back on a decade of Sherlock, hang with the Class of 221B, and celebrate 100 episodes of Three Patch Podcast!

Three Patch Podcast Episode 99 banner

Episode 99: Christmas Cracker

There’s a little bit of everything in this one, including several fandoms of interest, a discussion of last year’s Holmes and Watson film, Sherlock-themed jokes, and more!