Episode 94A: The Frivolous Untrue Literature RPG

The full cut of the RPG from Episode 94! John Watson is missing at a first of its kind literary convention and our eclectic team searches the mansion to find him. They bump into many authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Rudyard Kipling, and of course, Arthur Conan Doyle (no Sir in this universe). 

Episode 93: Pride in the Queerness of his Name

Episode 93: Pride in the Queerness of his Name.
In which we celebrate queerness through the ages by decoding ACD, watching The Happy Prince, and exploring A Land So Wild. Happy Pride Month!

Episode 92A: Sherlock and Morality–Extended Cut

BBC Sherlock features big moral themes: righting wrongs, a great man becoming a good man. In this Extended Cut of the segment in Episode 92: Saint or Sinners, Johnlocked, Drinkingcocao, and Finnagain go further into the ideologies of the characters, the morals articulated in narrative arches, and the values emphasized by recurring themes of show.