Episode 79B: Check, Please Roundtable – Extended Cut

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | Email | RSS Episode 79B: Check, Please – Extended Cut In this extended version of the OMG Check, Please Roundtable from Episode 79, consulting fans SundayDuck, PorcupineGirl, Paws, MapleLeafCameo, and Emma Grant share their love for Ngozi Ukazu’s beautiful and fluffy webcomic! In her own words, […]

Help 5cents - John asleep behind a Peanuts style booth - Three Patch Podcast Presents: The Doctor is In

Episode 81: The Doctor is In

In which we celebrate John Watson, our conductor of light, interview Lockedinjohnlock, squee about the recently released Cargo, and more.

Episode 79A: Fandoms of Interest: Superstition and YCMAL – Extended Cut

Subscribe: iTunes | Android | Email | RSS Episode 79A: Fandoms of Interest: Superstition and YCMAL – Extended Cut In this extended version of the Fandoms of Interest segment from Episode 79, we squee about Superstition and You Could Make a Life, two original fic fandoms focusing on fictional queer […]

Episode 80: Sherlocked USA 2018

Summary: Fox, Drinkingcocoa, and Finnagain share stories from Sherlocked USA 2018, interviews from other fans at the con, and the big news about The Six Thatchers