Episode 66A: Sherlock’s London with Pennypaperbrain – Extended cut

In this extended cut episode, Finnagain follows Pennypaperbrain around London to see/hear even more Sherlock locations, learn about London’s history and politics, discuss the relationship between London and BBC Sherlock, and hear stories behind of Penny’s Sherlock London Guidebook. Check out the shownotes for Guidebook page references of the many locations visited and discussed.

Episode 66: Conductors of Light

In which we examine the conductors of light that make Sherlock as luminous as it is. We sort Eurus, ship Jolto, discuss the mind palace, take a tour of Sherlock’s London with Pennypaperbrain, and see Amanda Abbington on stage.

Episode 65: SherlockedUSA Con Roundup

Three Patch Podcast Episode 65: SherlockedUSA Con Roundup. In this special episode, Fox Estacado and Chelsea report on the squee and shenanigans at the first official SherlockedUSA Con.

Episode 64A: Fans Over 40 – Extended Cut

Three Patch Podcast Episode 64A: Fans Over 40 – Extended Cut. The extended cut roundtable discussion of contributors and their experiences of being older adults in fandom.