Episode 135: Sexpisode X

Our TENTH annual Sexpisode, in which we look back on a decade of celebeations of the smutty side of fandom.

Segment timestamps:
0:00:08 – Host Opening
0:08:37 – Sexpisode X
1:42:47 – Post Mortem

Shownotes, contact details, and credits at https://three-patch.com/2022/09/01/episode-135/

Episode 134: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Squee

In which consulting fans sit down and talk about everything…and sometimes all at once, about the incredible maximalist film, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. (But in particular: Asian American diaspora feels, mental health issues, and family relationships.) Spoilers abound, so please beware! 

Episode 133: Ritchie Holmes and the Eleven Year Hiatus

In which we discuss the Sherlock Holmes films of 2009 and 2011, directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law as John Watson. Including our initial impressions of the films, how our opinions have changed over time, and what we hope to see if and when a third film is released!

Episode 132: Queerantine

Queer media has grown by leaps and bounds during the pandemic. Join us as we talk about some of our favorite new things to watch, listen to, or read!