Episode 49: The Merry Month of Mycroft
Our post-221B Con wrap up, in which we pay special attention to a minor official in the British government, celebrate shipping, squee over David Nellist, drunkenly rehash canon, and more.
Our post-221B Con wrap up, in which we pay special attention to a minor official in the British government, celebrate shipping, squee over David Nellist, drunkenly rehash canon, and more.
In which we catch up on London filming, spoilers, and…sharks?
We’re back in the saddle as we catch up on two weeks worth of spoilers and speculation, and a whole lot of teasers.
The full roundtable on Fandom Life and Public Identity with consulting fans Chelsea, Leanne, Lilo, Songlin, and finnagain. We talk about why we connect or isolate our fandom lives from “real” life, how we do this online and in person, the stigma of being a fan and a fangirl, and whether we’d want to be more open if other communities were less prudish.