Limited edition for 221B Con: “Stamford’s Matchmaking Services” shirt

To celebrate David Nellist’s appearance at 221b Con 2016, we are offering this special “Stamford’s Matchmaking Services” t-shirt to commemorate Mike Stamford’s very important contribution to the Sherlock Holmes fandom — introducing John Watson to Sherlock Holmes. The shirt is available for just $18 in ladies and unisex styles, and will be available for preorder until March 11th, 12:00 PM PST. As a special offer for 221b Con attendees, preorders of this shirt will be available for pick-up at the convention!

Episode 47: You Know My Methods

In which we discuss TJLC, chat with the FreeMartinis, and discuss Holmes canon and while drunk. Also with news, music, recs, and more.

Episode 45: Everything You’ve Taken

The fourth great hiatus has begun and life continues in the Sherlock Fandom. In this third anniversary episode, we bring in more fans to discuss the special in roundtables on the victorian setting, on the visual aspects of the episode, and on the results of our setlock-fueled speculations. We also report back from a scion meeting, discuss a fic bridging Sherlock past and present, and share a mix of recs Victorian and the first rush of post-TAB art and meta.