The Abominable Watch-along Video

Consulting fans Caroline, Chelsea, and finnagain filmed our way through an early rewatch of the Sherlock Special: The Abominable bride. We cackled and commented and questioned and cringed, sometimes all at once. If you are looking for some fandom-saturated company for a rewatch, click through and enjoy!

Episode 44a: The Abominable Watch-Along

Want some company on a re-watch? Join consulting fans Caroline, Chelsea, and Finnagain as they comment, question, cackle, and cringe their way through the Sherlock Special, sometimes all at once. Also available in video!

Episode 44: Ghosts

In which we take a drug-induced trip and discuss our initial reactions to the long-anticipated Sherlock Special.

Special Podcast Feed Announcement

We apologise for any complications our server move may cause your podcatcher app. Please unsubscribe and resubscibe to our podcast feed to benefit from all the changes we’ve made with the move to a new file hosting service and website.

If you are planning to follow setlock and spoilers for series four, please click through to the full post to subscribe to Spoilercast, now published as it’s very own podcast.