Episode 119A: Math FOI-Extended Cut

Episode 119A: Math FOI-Extended Cut. Finnagain and Emma share their squee about all things mathy, talking about how they got into math, what they love and hate about math culture, favourite areas of math, math education, and more about our math recs! Yes, it’s math math and even more passionate math talk, extended cut of the original segment included in episode 119.

Episode 120: WAP (Sexpisode 9)

Three Patch Podcast Episode 120: Our ninth annual Sexpisode, in which we do some naughty baking, discuss RPF and tinhatting, read Slippery Creatures, and sing raunchy fannish drinking songs.

gif of Sherlock and John reuniting with soju, karaoke, and bacon & eggs

Episode 119: Reunion!

In which we share our love for The Pursuit of Love, Math, Loki, and each other as we reunite in Atlanta – at last!

Episode 118: Hot John Summer

In which we celebrate summer John Watson style with discussions of bisexuality, cocktails, Martin Freeman himself, and fandom crafting.