Episode 20: The Elephant in the Room
In which talk about difficult topics dividing the fandom, sort Mary Morstan, discuss the state of the Johnlock ship and rec fix-it fics.
In which talk about difficult topics dividing the fandom, sort Mary Morstan, discuss the state of the Johnlock ship and rec fix-it fics.
In which we begin analyzing ALL of series 3, find consolation in a special roundtable, talk with role-players Inspiral & Orestes, and revel in brand new series 3 inspired fanfiction.
In which we talk with AbundantlyQueer about John Watson, interview Sherlockology about the growth of the fandom, and look ahead to series 3.
The sexpisode, in which we talk with Reapersun and KeelieThompson1, explore how to write sex, discuss what the Sherlock characters are like in bed, and learn how to make chocolate anuses.