Episode 20: The Elephant in the Room
In which talk about difficult topics dividing the fandom, sort Mary Morstan, discuss the state of the Johnlock ship and rec fix-it fics.
In which talk about difficult topics dividing the fandom, sort Mary Morstan, discuss the state of the Johnlock ship and rec fix-it fics.
In which explore asexuality in fic and fandom, experiment with questionable fire safety practices, and discuss the allure of Sherlolly, the Sherlock/Molly ship.
In which we harpoon a pumpkin, explore race in Sherlock, analyze Mycroft (the most terrifying man you’ll ever meet), and discuss the nuances of costuming in the show.
In which we analyze Molly Hooper, interview fanvidder daasgirl, and rec a whole lot of AU (alternate universe) fic.