Episode 82: Back to School
It’s almost time for the new school year in many parts of the world, so we’re celebrating with a back-to-school-themed episode.
It’s almost time for the new school year in many parts of the world, so we’re celebrating with a back-to-school-themed episode.
Summary: Fox, Drinkingcocoa, and Finnagain share stories from Sherlocked USA 2018, interviews from other fans at the con, and the big news about The Six Thatchers
Three Patch Podcast Episode 79: Sherlock!!! On Ice. In which we take to the rink for ice sports related fandoms and fandom activities, and share some fan con life with the TPP 221b Con Live Panel and a retrospective on Community conventions.
Three Patch Podcast Episode 78: MARVELous May. In which we go to con, squee about Marvel, and explore outer space… with Sherlock.